Chrome Remote Desktop
Sometimes, in order to help you with a problem, we may want to take control of your PC so we can see what you are seeing or guide you through a problem. We sometimes do this using Chrome Remote Desktop, which is part of Google Chrome. It works for both Windows PCs and Macs.
Not got Google Chrome?
If you've not got Google Chrome on your PC then the first step it to install it - you can download it from here (you don't need to make it your default browser).
Not got a Google Account?
By now most people have, for one reason or another, got a Google account. You need one for this. If you've got one then open Chrome, go to, and sign up.
Not used Chrome Remote Desktop before?
Once you have Google Chrome installed the next step it to install Chrome Remote Desktop which you can find in the app store or, hopefully, via this link. Click on the button labelled "Add to Chrome" to install it.
Running Chrome Remote Desktop
Once you've got Google Chrome and Chrome Remote Desktop installed you're ready to go. Open Chrome and either click on the Apps button (a 3x3 matrix of coloured squares at the top of Chrome) or type "chrome://apps" in the address bar to open the Apps page.
If this is your first time using this you will then be asked if toy want to install some more software. Click "No thanks".
Now click on Chrome Remote Desktop and click the "Share my screen" button. Chrome Remote Desktop will give you a long number. Now tell us that number.